This year's lot of Saemidori (SAE) is Ichibancha grade. Grown on a farm above Omura Bay, SAE is an early budding tea, locally known as "Clear Green". The leaves of this high-grade Sencha are a vivid green suggestive of its high amino acid content. Leaves are steamed to deep aromas and sweet marbled flavors.
Lot Notes. Lot was harvested in May 2024 & produced by Sonogi4 - a cooperative of 4 farmers in the Higashisongi region. Style of the tea is Tamaryokucha - coiled tea. No oxidization of the leaves in processing. Lot shows high umami and beautiful leaf coloration.
Tea Facts. Manufacture of this cultivar is steamed and oven-fired (baked). Steaming method is Fukamishi - deeply steamed. Saemidori is a cross between Yabukita and Asatsuyu cultivars.
Taste Profile. SAE is known for its high amino-acid content and low astringency. Aromas are green vegetables and sea grasses. The mouthfeel is complex, the initial feel is a full-bodied taste of cooked spinach, then hints of citrus.
Brewing Suggestions. Best with spring water at lower temperature between 165 and 185 F. We use 2-2.5 grams for 4-8 ounces of water. Steep briefly 1.5-2 minutes and taste. Multiple steeps are there to be enjoyed.
3 grams/1 teaspoon per 6 ounces of water
170° - 195° F
2 Minutes
Full-leaf green teas will open to layered, delicate flavors. The freshly picked leaves are dehydrated to prevent oxidization and preserve their natural green color. Japanese green teas are steamed to preserve their fresh aromas and flavor notes. It is best if green tea is not brewed with boiling water.
Lower temperature water allows the leaves to steep slowly, preserving their natural sweetness. Green teas and yellow teas offer a gentle vegetal aroma. In the mouth, flavors range from spring asparagus and delicate notes of sorrel and raw vegetables to herbaceous and nutty.