3 Lands Sampler: In many countries, tea is a signature beverage. Distinct cultivars have been created and farmed, methods of processing developed bringing forth aromas and flavors that are delicious and widely enjoyed. Our sampler offers a taste experience of 3 countries. From China, a delicious rare white tea crafted by hand. From India, farmed in the Assam region, a wonderful black known for its brisk and sweet notes. And from Japan, a green Sencha cultivar blended to bring forth savory notes. Our sampler includes:
Silver Needle: One of China's rarest teas, "Yin Zhen" is a variety of tea made solely of early spring buds and crafted with exacting skill. Delicately sweet, savory flavors of fresh apricots and honey. (2 oz.)
Genmaicha: Affectionately known as "brown rice tea", Genmaicha is a Japanese specialty and perhaps the most popular of its tea offerings. Made with a rich-green Sencha leaf blended with roasted rice & popcorn, offering an uplifting & savory flavor, great with food. (2 oz.)
Assam: One of the world's strongest and most full-bodied of black teas, Assam offers malty sweet flavors with a floral aroma. Wonderful as a breakfast tea and always refreshing. Given its strength and flavors, can take milk and sugar. (2 oz.)
3 Tea Sampler
Very broad spectrum of flavors to travel. The Gen Ma Cha is my fav!