A full-bodied Sri Lankan black tea forms the base for this classic English beverage. Flavored with Bergamot oil and garnished with beautiful, bright-blue Cornflowers, a classic English breakfast beverage brings flavor to a new level.
Tea Notes. Sri Lankan black is a large leaf and full-bodied. This style of black is widely appreciated as a breakfast tea. The blend components lend rich flavors and build aromas on the tea.
Tea Facts. Black tea is Sri Lankan. Cornflower petals are organic and edible. Bergamot oil is made by crushing the rind of the fruit & scent the tea. Tea is caffeinated.
Tasting Notes. The citrusy aroma of the tea rises first. The taste is fresh and clean given the citrus flavor of Bergamot. Cornflowers provide a soft, floral sweetness. Full-bodied, it is a mouthful of flavor.
Brewing Suggestions. Use 3-4 grams of leaf, a teaspoon, for every 8 ounces of water at 195- 212°F. Steep for 3-4 minutes.