One of the treasures of the spring harvest, Flower Fragrance is classed as a "fresh tea" made to local customs, in limited quantity, and sold locally. Fresh teas and early harvest teas generally often have fragrances reminiscent of spring flowers. In this tea, the teamaker found hints of ambrosia and preserved and encouraged these natural aromas.
Lot Notes. Tea was harvested in the second week of April 2024. This oolong cultivar is oxidized to the coloration and aromas of a black, yet its notes remain true to its oolong origins. The teamaker recommends the leaf be stored at a low temperature. Flavor is enlivening.
Tea Facts. The cultivar is Mei Zhan, a traditional oolong varietal cultivated for hundreds of years throughout China. Cultivar is intensively farmed in mountain areas of Fujian Province. Harvested the first week of April 2024.
Tasting Notes. The taste is naturally sweet and lush. The flavor is light fruit. Think ambrosial and refreshing.
Brewing Suggestions. A teaspoon of leaf for 6-8 ounces of water. Use water temperature of 195-205 F. Steep for 2 minutes and taste. Tea is made to sweet notes so a longer steep time will bring forward more flavor, not pungency. Will yield multiple steeps given its large leaves.