
New Spring Harvest Teas


New Spring Harvest Teas

Each spring, we work with a small group of valued suppliers - tea farms, cooperatives & tea markets - in sourcing teas early in the harvest. First pluck, Pre-Qing Ming and "before the rain" varieties of white, green, and black teas are the high grades of leaf we procure. Teas harvested in this time are some of the finest quality of the year. Buds and leaves are small, compact and rich in flavors. Leaves are crafted to notable flavors not typically available for export. As well, we procure popular cultivars known worldwide for their wonderful flavors.

  • Little Melon Seed

    Little Melon Seed

    One of China's "Famous Teas", recognized as exceptional in quality in centuries past and widely enjoyed for its quality today. Little Melon Seed, "Lu An Guapian", is unusual for its leaf coloration as it shows deep green almost blue colors. The leaves...
    Blue-green leaves, sweet flavor.

  • OKU


    Obuyutaka (Oku) is emerald, delicately shaped, offering an unusually fragrant leaf aroma. Skillfully crafted, this small leaf cultivar offers some of the finest tasting Senchas produced in Japan.  Lot Notes. Produced in the Higashisonogi...
    Highly fragrant, assertive
  • SAE - Saemidori

    SAE - Saemidori

    This year's lot of Saemidori (SAE) is Ichibancha grade. Grown on a farm above Omura Bay, SAE is an early budding tea, locally known as "Clear Green". The leaves of this high-grade Sencha are a vivid green suggestive of its high amino acid content. Leaves...
    Vibrant, high umami
  • Silver Needle

    Silver Needle

    Yin Zhen "Silver Needle" is a variety of remarkable and ethereal Chinese teas made with an exacting skill in plucking, handling, and processing. A delicacy, it is made using a fine pluck standard in which only buds are harvested. We think this lot...
    Spring flavors, honey, fresh apricot

  • Snow Bud

    Snow Bud

    Grown at a high elevation, the season is short for this style of tea. Leaf is dense, deep in coloration, its flavor is subtle yet lingering. Produced inland in Fujian Province. As this tea harvest early in the season, it offers yet another taste...
    Lush, a delicate honey note.

  • organic Organic

    Snow Dragon - Xue Long

    We selected an organic Snow Dragon grown in the Simao District of Yunnan Province as it tasted so good! (We also offer this tea from the Fuding area of Fujian Province.) This lot is a fine pluck of one bud one leaf and offers the appearance of snow...
    Sweet, vegetal & clean

  • Snow Pear Oolong

    Snow Pear Oolong

    A comparatively rare style of oolong not often found in the U.S. It is largely consumed by the domestic market as it is a local favorite. The small leaf offers a distinct flowery aroma and a natural, peachy flavor. Snow Pear offers another glimpse into...
    Flowery aroma, lite peach flavor.

  • Spring Blossom

    Spring Blossom

    As the weather warms along the coast of southeastern China, some of the first teas to reach the market are a number of cultivars known as Mao Feng. These early greens come in a variety of styles – leaves light to dark green, long and short, curled...
    Vegetal, nutty flavors, hints of chestnut.

  • organic Organic

    Spring Green - Decaffeinated

    Numerous varieties of this delicious green cultivar thrive in the valleys and mountains of the southeastern provinces of China. A Mao Feng cultivar, our lot was organically farmed in Zhejiang Province. An early-pick, its leaves open to a...
    Vegetal & sweet, refreshing & soothing.

  • Stir Fried Greens

    Stir Fried Greens

    A well-known green tea in China and virtually unknown outside Fujian Province, Stir Fried is plucked early in the spring harvest and then pan-fired to a lovely, wholesome & sweet vegetal flavors. As it is not produced for the export market, it is...
    Fresh cut vegetable flavors, sweet!

  • Tsuyu


    The Tsuyuhikari (TSUYU) cultivar is known to offer an unusually refreshing cup within the Sencha class of teas. Translated as "dew light". Produced by one farm/farmer focused to this cultivar only. Extra long, large, full leaves of a deep, forest...
    Umami, refreshing
  • White Monkey

    White Monkey

    Handmade, small-farm tea with a light-golden cup color and a very likeable, sweet-nutty flavor. Its name and wonderful appearance give hints to the flavors and aromas that will follow once the leaves are steeped. Like most green teas grown in Fujian...
    "Playful" leaves, rich vegetal flavors

  • White Peony

    White Peony

    This year's White Peony is stunning in appearance and so flavorful. As we traveled in China again this year, we were introduced to a new source of white tea. This lot is crafted with an abundance of silver buds and bright green leaves. The teamaker has...
    Notes of honey & herbs
  • organic Organic

    WuLu - Jade Cloud

    Not well known outside China, these singularly rich green leaves will steep to smooth and varied buttery flavors and aromas of magnolia blossoms and fresh cucumber. It is a wonderful green tea waiting to be found and enjoyed everyday.  Lot Notes...
    Buttery smooth, a note of citrus

  • Wuyi Green

    Wuyi Green

    Described as a "wild" tasting green, the descriptor is apt for this unusual, boldly flavored cultivar. "Wuyi Qing" is a local green grown on a small farm in the mountains of Fujian Province. Leaves are a deep green color after a traditional pan...
    Enlivening, fruity, herbaceous

  • Wuyi Yan Cha - "Rock Tea"

    Wuyi Yan Cha - "Rock Tea"

    Classed as one of the Wuyi Rock Teas, WuYi Yan Cha, through multiple charcoal firings, is a mountain grown oolong that brews to rich orange-red colors & strong flavors. Aroma is likewise strong, flowery, a result of the intense firing process it...
    Bright red, fruit & caramel

  • Yunnan Gold Tip

    Yunnan Gold Tip

    It was during the Ming Dynasty that the cultivation of tea took on much of the framework (farming, production, grading) that remains in use today in China. It was during this period that various methods of oxidization were also explored and developed...
    Burnt sugar, cocoa and baked apple.