Obuyutaka (Oku) is emerald, delicately shaped, offering an unusually fragrant leaf aroma. Skillfully crafted, this small leaf cultivar offers some of the finest tasting Senchas produced in Japan.
Lot Notes. Produced in the Higashisonogi region of Nagasaki. Harvest date is May 2024. The coastal location of the farm affords ample moisture and warm spring temperatures. Pluck is Ichibana.
Tea Facts. Oku "Obuyutaka" is classed as "steamed Tamaryokucha" or high-grade Sencha. Leaves are steamed (Asamushi - a light steaming) and oven-baked. Class denotes the harvest time, leaf quality, aromas and flavors.
Taste Profile. Dry leaf aroma is a mineral-like fragrance, very appealing. Steeped the liquor is clear, flavors start sea grassy, gentle with an assertive & pleasant astringency in the finish.
Brewing Suggestions. Best to steep using a lower water temperature of 165-185 F. Use 2 grams for 4-6 ounces of water. Steep for 2 minutes and taste. Steep time will vary depending on the strength and flavor you enjoy. Multiple steeps are in order.