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Plum Blossom Fragrance

Aroma of plums, intoxicating flavors of fruit
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Province: Guangdong

Type: Oolong

Pinyin: Méihuā xiāngwèi 梅花香味

Caffeine Level: Medium

Organic: No

Main Flavor Profile: Floral

Packaging: Loose leaf

Large trees that look very much like stone fruit trees line the mountainside. Six to 10-foot stone walls form terraces creating flat surfaces across the steep slope. Soils are a rich red color and clay-like. The morning fog is just beginning to lift and the height of these trees slowly becomes apparent. The lush green colors and large size of the tea leaves form an umbrella-like canopy. The trees that will yield Plum Blossom Fragrance (Mi Lan Xiang) are close to 200 years old. Harvesting of the leaves is done using ladders to protect the branches and gain access. After plucking, the leaves are sorted, withered, abraded and shaped, rested and oxidized; abraded again on bamboo mats breaking down leaf cells releasing juices (with steeping, notice the reddish coloration on the edges of the leaves) and lightly fired; then rested and further oxidized and after a time, fired once again to further develop aromas and flavors. The leaves may be worked again, then finally fired at high temperature over wood charcoal locking in its enduring flavors. Lot was made in 2024.

Lot Notes. Over the years, the tea maker has shown a skill in crafting elegant flavors in his various Dan Cong style oolongs and this flavor in particular. As well, his Mi Lan Xiang cultivar has won awards both China-side and in the U.S. In tasting this year's lot, we noted its high aroma and its clean sweet notes. Based on taste of the 2nd and 3rd cuppings - both offering a growing mouth feel, complex flavors and an uplifting finish, the choice was clear.

Tea Facts. A Fenghuang area varietal, of Chaoan County, it grows at an elevation of approximately 1600+ meters. Contrasting temperatures – sunny warm by day, followed by mists and colder nights, are one factor that serves to form and clarify its taste. Additionally, this oolong was harvested from an older tree with roots reaching deep into the mineral-rich soils and fresh sub-surface springs of WuDong Mountain. Firing the leaves at just the right moment seals in its rich tastes - creating a tea that is rich, complex and, by some accounts, intoxicating. These leaves will steep 5 to 7 times exemplifying the depth of the flavors the terroir develops and the tea maker then shapes.

Tasting Notes. Fruit-sweet flavors come to mind. Hints of peach in the aroma; plum in the cup. Stone-fruit like, its sweetness is natural and complex. By the 2nd steep, the leaves are opening and releasing flavors of fruit, almonds, wet and rich. Two firings over wood charcoal ovens have locked in multilayered flavors that will linger long after tasting. The strength of the leaf and its depth of taste will yield 5 to 7 steeps. Lot #8.

Brewing Suggestions. Use 3-4 grams of leaves for 8-12 ounces of water. Boiling water is best, briefly rinse the leaves and pour off to "awaken" the leaf. Try a two-minute steep time and see if you enjoy the taste. We recommend to not leave the leaf in water as the tea will over-steep. It also preserves the flavors in the leaves for additional steeps. First steep is known for aroma, 2nd & 3rd steeps bring out additional tastes. Multiple steeps, 4-7 times, are there to enjoy.


3 grams/1 teaspoon per 6 ounces of water

195° - 205° F

2 Minutes

Oolong leaves are large. Once plucked, they are either rolled and lightly oxidized (Tieguanyin style) or are long and crafted to a reddish-brown color (Dan Cong style).

Tieguanyin is shades of green, almost blue. Its infusion opens to an aroma of lilies of the valley with a mouthfeel of gentle vegetal notes as it develops into a buttery, floral finish. Dan Cong is aromas of brown sugar and candied fruit. The mouthfeel is strong and full-bodied with a sweet, refreshing finish. In steeping, first rinse the leaves briefly to awaken them. This steep can be enjoyed for aroma. The second steep releases precious flavors. Multiple steeps are the norm for oolongs as they are complex and layered.

  • 5
    Tasted this after it arrived and went to bed dreaming about it

    Posted by Christina Ruda on 4th Dec 2015

    This tea is great. I don't know if I am preparing it 'properly' or not, but I certainly got the lovely scent and taste and saw the pretty red coloration on the unfurled leaves. It is indeed intoxicating in its own way. The second steep is the best in my opinion. The aroma is just incredible, like fruit and forest honey. Please don't ruin this tea with a sweetener, you might miss out. Enjoy it as it is prepared with hot spring water. You won't be disappointed.

  • 4
    Lightly sweet with great taste.

    Posted by Gary Bennett on 7th Jul 2015

    I enjoy this tea straight or with honey. It is slightly sweet. I tend to steep for shorter times (20 seconds or so to start) and this tea steeps well when accidentally forgotten for a short time. It does not become too bitter.

  • 4
    Totally enjoyable tea.

    Posted by R.W.K on 20th Oct 2014

    I generally have been drinking green tea over the last few years (Japanese mostly & some Chinese) but do branch out to Oolongs etc. Mi Lan Xiang is just an wonderfully enjoyable tea.! It has a light floral nose.. and a pleasant sweetness to ward the front and back sides of the tongue.. I heated the water to 185 degress. Worth the $. When I first stated doing tea i had to learn that sweet does not mean candy a-- sweet..I like this tea

  • 4
    Delicious ability to be a slightly complex yet comfortable sipper.

    Posted by Tom Timber on 14th Oct 2014

    I really like this Oolong variety and I'm really very glad that it's still being offered here. I just went ahead and picked up a half pound of this AND the Drunken Concubine. Expensive for me, but I'm happy I did it.... still happy as a matter of fact. As I mentioned in the Wild Sun-Dried White Pu-Erh Buds review, I have found that having the combination of these three around to play and experiment with has been a hit for me (Iced tea made of the three together is most amazing - refreshing, invigorating with an almost tender sort of succulence). Have it hot first, then have it cold the next day! This was an absolute added blessing to this past summertime. I have to admit, I'm not exactly sure how to fully explain this one yet, I'm still working into it and still making discoveries as I go believe it or not. The Plum Blossom fragrance is slightly tricky at first, if you steep it too little, you'll (at first) believe there is not much taste for price, but wait, even at a light steep you will soon start to discover its gentle tide of mild exquisite coming in, and wonder how you ever missed it in the first place. If you steep it too long, it will take on a sort of astringent strength tang that will have shades of some dark resemblance of an exotic Red Robe, but if you go too far, or too much leaf you can make it bitter rather easily. Be relatively generous with the leaf, but definitely do not over do it, nor over steep it, nor use full boiled water (at least I haven't found any of this to do this tea its worth). But what I do know is that when you hit this leaf in the right place it absolutely lives up to its price point. There is something to the sensation this tea can give when steeped on spot. You'll just have to trust me and go discover that for yourself. Fragrance is an absolute delight. As a matter of fact, sometimes I will just sit there, eyes closed, nose above the cup taking in its aromatic energies. I then take my time with some slurping sips. The flavor starts to unfold. I wish I could do a better job really explaining its taste profile, but that will have to be up to someone else with a more advanced and fuller understanding of everything that is tea tasting. I can only share with you my experience so far. Short version: Add To Cart and have no regrets, as a matter of fact, have FUN. Thanks for reading and hope it has been of some help.

There are 80 distinct varieties of Dan Cong or "Single Tree" oolongs offering fruit and flower fragrances.

Dan Cong style oolongs have been cultivated since as early as the 7th century.


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