
"Fresh Tea" – The Artistry of Chinese Tea

Fresh Tea

"Fresh tea" takes on a new meaning in China. In the West, where fresh is understood as recently harvested or new; on China-side, fresh tea is a type or class of tea produced in the spring and made to local customs. Typically not highly processed, these teas are made without a prevailing standard, are handmade and offer a rich palette of flavor defined by local custom and taste.

While the varietal may be known, such as a Mao Feng or Mei Zhan in Fujian Province, tea farms and local farmers harvest these teas and process them according to their taste or the prevailing local flavor. The resulting "fresh" tea has aroma and flavor qualities usually not found beyond the local area and they are produced in comparatively small quantities.

These teas often vary in appearance and taste year-to-year. The flavors vary as there is no blending and no standard beyond the color of the leaf and the discretion of the tea maker. The result is "fresh" teas, not well known but certainly some of China's most interesting and prized teas.

Difficult to find, rich in palette flavors, these rare varietals offer an opportunity to enjoy some of China's finest teas.

Oolong Tea
  • Black Cloud

    Black Cloud

    This Meizhan cultivar is made to customs of processing known in China as "fresh tea" denoting it is made to local timing of harvest, processing and flavor profile. Not made to a standard and certainly varied in its taste each season, this tea well...
    Malt, chocolate & molasses!

  • Black Fragrance

    Black Fragrance

    Black Fragrance is in the class of spring teas known as "fresh tea". These are early harvest teas made using longheld traditions of farming and processing of the leaves to create aromas and flavors favored in the local area. Typically, they are made in...
    Notes of molasses & fruit, with a lingering finish.

  • Black Peony

    Black Peony

    Golden Peony classes as a "Fresh Tea". Plucked early in the season and crafted to local taste and aroma preferences, this black cups to a bright red color with a sweet, floral aroma. Using the Da Bai cultivar, the leaves are skillfully shaped, then fully...
    Thick leaves , lush, notes of fruit.

  • organic outofstock Organic Sold Out

    Chai - organic

    Our Chai is a "mixed spice tea" made of a robust Indian black and traditional masala spices. Unapologetically spicy, Chai offers fragrant aromas and pungent, lively flavors. In the cup, it will nourish the palate and stimulate.  Lot Notes...
    Unapologetically spicy !

  • Empress Green

    Empress Green

    There is a class of teas harvested early in the spring & processed to local customs of appearance, flavor, and aroma. Typically made in small lots and rarely exported, these teas are often exceptional and offer a window into the great...
    "Fresh tea", strong flavors, nuanced & refreshing

  • Imperial Pu-erh

    Imperial Pu-erh

    Large leaves from the sub varietal Camellia assamica, locally known as Yunnan Big Leaf, are the source for our lot of Imperial Pu-erh. Typically made in the warmer summer months when the higher temperatures will assist in the fermentation process, the...
    Smooth, offers hints of nuts and cocoa.

  • Monkey Picked Tieguanyin

    Monkey Picked Tieguanyin

    Our "Monkey Picked" Tieguanyin was grown in the AnXi Region in southern Fujian Province, a region with a rich history of cultivating award-winning, world-class Tieguanyins. The region's terroir or "soils" - the farms' altitude, proximity of the sea,...
    Vibrant green, lush, floral & buttery

  • Spring Dragon

    Spring Dragon

    A longstanding supplier for a number of our green and black tea offerings, Mr Wen, presented Spring Dragon this spring as a new and unusual offering. Using the 43 cultivar, which is primarily used to make traditional Dragon Wells, Wen took the leaf in a...
    Artichoke & lemon flavors
  • outofstock Sold Out

    White Fragrance

    White Fragrance is a "fresh tea" and a rare, unusual taste of a white spring tea. Lot was made from the MeiZhan cultivar and harvested early in the season with a fine grade pluck standard of bud and top leaf. Uniform, compact, and colorful in leaf, our...
    Fresh, unusual flavors
  • Wild Green

    Wild Green

    Known for its mountains, bamboo forests and abundant springs, Anhui Province each year produces green and yellow teas of exceptional quality. High farm elevations and soils rich in humus and iron, bring forth a number of wonderful spring teas. In this...
    Wild harvest, spring tea flavors