Green Snail Spring - "Bi Luo Chun" - embodies much of what is wonderful about the spring tea harvest. Perhaps no green tea cups to the rich flavors of the season as this one. Ours is a first-grade leaf harvested in a pluck in the first week of April before the Qing Ming holiday. Timing is critical as these prized bud sets must be plucked at just the right time and then processed. The leaves are small and delicate, as a result processing can be very challenging.
Lot Notes. For this year's lot, we selected one more to the green side as it offers a wonderful sweetness. The leaves are small, uniform, and elegant in classic spiral shapes. Aroma is well-balanced and fresh. In tasting, we found this lot held a special flavor, well-capturing the fresh notes of early spring. It steeps to a cloudy, broth-like cup color (characteristic of China's vegetal sweet green cultivars). Taste is clean. Harvested in April 2024. Lot #4.
Tea Facts. This tea is one of China's Famous Teas. This lot was picked pre-Qing Ming. Processed entirely by hand. As the leaves unfurl in steeping, they will spiral to the bottom.
Tasting Notes. The leaves are tender and complex offering a range of flavors from asparagus to notes of chestnut. We notice a peach flavor as well. Decidedly vegetal. The liquor is soft, silky.
Brewing Suggestions. Use a round teaspoon or 2.5 - 3 grams for 6-8 ounces of water at a lower temperature of 176-185 F., as the leaves are delicate. Steep for 1.5-2 minutes and taste. Leaves should yield 2-3 steeps.
3 grams/1 teaspoon per 6 ounces of water
170° - 195° F
2 Minutes
Full-leaf green teas will open to layered, delicate flavors. The freshly picked leaves are dehydrated to prevent oxidization and preserve their natural green color. Japanese green teas are steamed to preserve their fresh aromas and flavor notes. It is best if green tea is not brewed with boiling water.
Lower temperature water allows the leaves to steep slowly, preserving their natural sweetness. Green teas and yellow teas offer a gentle vegetal aroma. In the mouth, flavors range from spring asparagus and delicate notes of sorrel and raw vegetables to herbaceous and nutty.
Amazing Green Tea!
Just purchased this tea for Christmas 2024. I normally stick to what I know and like (i.e., Drum Mountain White Cloud, Three Cups Fragrance, Silver Needle), but decided to venture out with this option. I am absolutely satisfied by the wonderful flavor profile. Notes of asparagus and nutty flavors. Highly recommend this 5-star tea as I will be adding this one to my everyday drinking repertoire. Now go out with your Christmas bonus and pickup some of this fabulous tea - you will not be disappointed!!
Rain from Heaven into my Vase, Then baked in hot water to eat as a Dessert. Use Tongs, Flowers sink to the Bottom. Photos from this Hillside are Missing?